Ive been tagged by Carly Susanne
1) If you were stuck on a desert island and you could chose one beauty product to have with you, what would it be?
Mascara as I'm ginger my eyelashes are near invisible
2) Who is your favourite beauty blogger and why?
Hmm, I like watching Fleur de force or zoella just like watching them, Im not one for tutorials mainly because i can never sit still for long
3) Have you ever had a beauty related disaster, and if so, what was it?
Tan, get a bit carried away haha or maybe eyelashes they take practice!
4) How did your interest in beauty start?
I liked makeup, but never really became an obession till I watched beauty bloggers and YouTubers :)
5) What's the furthest you have travelled to get your hands on a desired beauty product?
Ireland to London I suppose :)
6) Do you use fake tan? If so which one?
St Mortiz or Sally Hansen need to try some new tans!
7) Do you paint your nails regularly? If so, how often?
Once a week atleast I dunno, Im not arsed about them I try to be every so often then i get bored.
8) What's your favourite type of blog to read?
Beauty or General chit chat
9) Do you purchase magazines just to get the free beauty products included?
Hell yeah :) Always do it haha
10) Do you subscribe to any beauty boxes, if so which ones?
Currently Glossybox
11) Do you wear make-up every day?
Mostly yes. Sometimes I won't but normally I'll have atleast mascara on.
If you liked mine have a read of Carly's
I tag
Bloggers that I've tagged - here's what you need to do
*You must answer the 11 questions that are asked by the blogger that tagged you*
*Tag other bloggers with less than 200 followers*
*Create 11 questions for them to answer*
*Notify the bloggers that you have tagged them for the Liebster Award*
*The bloggers must then do the same and include a link to the blog of the person that tagged them*
The Questions
1: why did you start blogging?
2: what is your most loved brand?
3: whats the most expensive thing in your makeup collection?
4: whats one beauty product you couldn't live without?
5: do you prefer budget beauty or high end beauty?
6: what is your most worn perfume?
7:do you prefer neutrals or brights?
8: where is your favourite place to shop?
9:what is your biggest hope/wish in life?
10: what is your most loved memory?
11: what is your biggest beauty fail?
Love Rose